Tuesday 24 September 2013

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
nice to meet u again.. :)
Today,,i will teach u about "HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN HTML"
before i continue further,,do u know what the meaning of HTML..krikk krikk krikk..

HTML is the coding language that makes web-pages. To see what it looks like, go into Internet Exploree and right-click to choose "View Source" . You will see apage of code, and that is HTML. That code is what your browser sees and then interprets it into as that web-page




Go to Start,then "Programs" and then "Accessories"..click "Notepad


Once u open the notepad...
Type <html>.it is the first tag that tells the computer u're starting the web-page..then,,a'ah...

at the bottom of ur notepad,dont forget to close it off by typing this :</html>..this is ends the web page..

It's important to remember that u'll be writing ur information between an opening HTML tag and closing HTML tag. An opening tag looks like above..<__>. A closing tag looks like </__>.Eventually,the ___ is replaced with a code as shown above.. :)

then add the heading of the page

wait3!!!dont forget to write ur own title..<title>MY WEB-PAGE</title>

*A title is important because it gives your users an idea what the page is all about..also,when users bookmark your site, that title is all they will see in their bookmark list.(note that the "title" is going to show on the tab dont expect it to be the title of the     actual website  

Then,,type <body> to open the body tag. Then close the body tag by typing </body>. Then bulk of the information for your web-page goes between <body> and </body>
*To give your web-page a background color.you can add a style to the body. Instead of simply writing, write <body style="background -color:silver>..u also can try another color..

write some text between the body tags.,place <h1></h1>around the main header and place <p></p>around the pages text..
*To make the text go to the next line..write<br>

If u want to add some pictures , for example to put a picture from the internet..
type <img src="URL">

Lastly,check to make sure all your tags are closed  with this symbol <>
then,,save your work..

Here are the resource to guide u to make html.. :)

type code
heading h
paragraph p
point list ul
character list ol

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