Thursday 31 October 2013

    Hye there!! We meet again for this time. Have anyone here taking chemistry on their study? Have anyone here must do assignment for chemistry and does not know how to sketch a simple molecular structure? and having difficult to draw such a difficult apparatus? Don't worry and be happy! I have the solutions for all your problems.

Ok! let me introduce u a program that can help u with all this problems.

ACD/Chemsketch includes...
•'Structure mode' for drawing chemical structure and calculating their properties
•'Draw mode' for text and graphic processing
•Additional molecules that extend the ACD/Chemsketch possibilities

ACD/Chemsketch can create following objects...
•A diagram of energy reaction
•Various type of orbitals
•Vaccum distillation apparatus
•A two-chain DNA starnd
•draw lipids and micelles

     First of all, u must get and install Chemsketch program by clicking this link "ACD". This link can help u to get the installer of these program. Don't worry, its free.


Firstly, open the chemsketch. Then, this will be appear on ur screen.

  1. Then, single click on the screen. u see CH4 appear on your screen.
  2. Position the pointer over the CH4 then drag to other side. By release the click, u will get the result of two carbon which CH3-CH3.
  3. Then, position the pointer over any CH3 atom. then, drag to any side. By releasing the click, u will see a 2d structure of propane. 

     In case u did not know the structure that u are sketching about. u can figure it out by clicking 'tool' in menu bar and choose 'generate'.Then, u can choose name of structure to gets its smile notation.


  1. First, make sure u changes the mode to "DRAW".
  2. Then, choose these icon which is "Open Template Window"
U can choose any type of apparatus here and u can join of each other to make the set up procedure.
  Its easy right? and i hope all of u can try using these program. for any problem, u can click HERE for extra information.

         Hye there! did u all know about XML? Are anyone here heard about XML before this? I really sure that, some of us does not know about this 3 special letters right? haha. ok ok. On this post, I will shared with u what is XML about. 
Did u all realize when the are a symbol of </?KRIK?/> in the world of IT? ok, that is XML is about! XML is an acronym  name which stand for "Extensible Markup Language".

This is a picture of idea how XML works in the world of it.

  • Design to describe data and focus what data is
  • A markup language much like HTML
  • Tags are not very important
  • It use DTD or XML schme to describe data

     XML is not the same with HTML.XML also is not the replacement for HTML. There are many differences between them. Some of the examples is..

  • Was design to transport and store data
  • function for carrying information
  • Was design to display data, with focus on how data looks
  • function as a displaying information

   XML is just a plain text. Its does not do any things. Software that can handle plain text also  can handle XML. BUT, there also have some advantages. The advantages is...
  • simplify platform changes
  • makes your data more available
  • as to create new internet language
  • it simplify data sharing
Examples of XML documents..

XML naming rule..
Names can contain letters, numbers, and other characters
Names cannot start with a number or punctuation character
Names cannot start with the letters xml(or XML)
Names cannot contains spaces

Thats all for today. I wanna pen off here. For any extra informations, u can click HERE. Im pretty sure this link can help u. Thanks..☺

Wednesday 30 October 2013

       Hye!! we see again. Before I started anythings. keeps smile while reading this post! haha. Use your smile to change the world and not the world changes your smileand remember to always smile okey!!

   Ok ok, not this cutey smile i want to share with u but SMILES which stand for "Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification".

      Its describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII. Specification is to describe structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings. Its can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional  drawings or three-dimensional models of the molecules.

Single     -
Double    =
Triple    #
Aromatic   :
                                              table for smile bond.

conical smileisomeric smile
•version of SMILE specification includes rules
for ensuring that each distinct chemical
molecule has a single unique SMILE represents
•refers to the version of the SMILE
specification that includes extension
to support the specification of isotope, charity.

       Its also have a SMILE Brances. it is represented by enclosured in parenthesis. it can be catogorised as nested or stacked.

 Examples of Smile Bond


     Smile chargesis a specify attached hydrogens and charges in squared brackets and these is the examples.
[H+]    proton
[OH-]    hydroxyl anion
[OH3+]    hydronium cation
[Fe++]    iron(ii) cation
[NH4+]    ammonium cation
    Acyclic compound is a compound in which a series of atoms is connected to form a loop of a ring. To get more info about cylic compound, you can click HERE for the information. Thats all for SMILE and have a great day ahead!!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

              ~~~PROTEIN DATA BANK~~~

      Assalamualaikum. We meet again for this time to share about what is Protein Data Bank(PDB).Here is a little bit info about it that we want to share with you..


     The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a repository for the 3-D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. (See also crystallographic database). The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy and submitted by biologistsand biochemists from around the world, are freely accessible on the Internet via the websites of its member organisations (PDBe, PDBj, and RCSB). The PDB is overseen by an organization called the Worldwide Protein Data Bank, wwPDB.

    The PDB is a key resource in areas of structural biology, such as structural genomics. Most major scientific journals, and some funding agencies, such as the NIH in the USA, now require scientists to submit their structure data to the PDB. If the contents of the PDB are thought of as primary data, then there are hundreds of derived (i.e., secondary) databases that categorize the data differently.

this is the examples of proteins in the PDB:


Classification Hydrolase
Structure Weight(asymmetric unit) 44989.86
Organism Escherichia coli
Polymer 1


Classification Complex (proteinase/inhibitor)
Structure Weight(asymmetric unit) 29892.08
Organism Bos taurus
Polymer 1


Molecule Putative serine protease
ClassificationProtein Binding
Structure Weight(asymmetric unit)14890.90
OrganismStreptococcus pneumoniae

4. Pepsin(5PEP)


Hydrolase(acid Proteinase)
Structure Weight(asymmetric unit)34469.80
OrganismSus scrofa



Structure Weight(asymmetric unit)135037.57
OrganismThermoactinomyces vulgaris