Wednesday 30 October 2013

       Hye!! we see again. Before I started anythings. keeps smile while reading this post! haha. Use your smile to change the world and not the world changes your smileand remember to always smile okey!!

   Ok ok, not this cutey smile i want to share with u but SMILES which stand for "Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification".

      Its describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII. Specification is to describe structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings. Its can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional  drawings or three-dimensional models of the molecules.

Single     -
Double    =
Triple    #
Aromatic   :
                                              table for smile bond.

conical smileisomeric smile
•version of SMILE specification includes rules
for ensuring that each distinct chemical
molecule has a single unique SMILE represents
•refers to the version of the SMILE
specification that includes extension
to support the specification of isotope, charity.

       Its also have a SMILE Brances. it is represented by enclosured in parenthesis. it can be catogorised as nested or stacked.

 Examples of Smile Bond


     Smile chargesis a specify attached hydrogens and charges in squared brackets and these is the examples.
[H+]    proton
[OH-]    hydroxyl anion
[OH3+]    hydronium cation
[Fe++]    iron(ii) cation
[NH4+]    ammonium cation
    Acyclic compound is a compound in which a series of atoms is connected to form a loop of a ring. To get more info about cylic compound, you can click HERE for the information. Thats all for SMILE and have a great day ahead!!

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