Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..The day that everyone have been waiting 4!!!!REGISTRATION DAY for our degree!!YeAy!!!!All praise to Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla.Ameen.We are going to move on to a new story of our life as a degree student....And here our Osem story begin..Hip!!Hip!!Hooorayyyy!!
Here,we will continue our journey as students of kulliyyah of sciences for 4 years insyaAllah .the first moment we step into this HUGE gate,we were impressed with the unique and beautiful mosque.WOW!the sight was amazing!wanna know why??this picture below will tell you...:)
IIUM MOSQUE(Masjid Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah) |
Amazing right??The trully unforgetfull moment we can never forget is,here we spent our very first night in iium kuantan.Any idea why it is???hehe......we have
qiammullail!!!(U len ado???haha)
After the registration session finished,we move on to see our "hotel".like any other U,we here call it as MAHALLAH. Try mention the word to other universiti's sure they all will show blurr face..@.@..hehehe
......sadly thing is,we have to stay at the mahallah outside the campus..huhu.
This our beloved mahallah..think so.. |
Our room separated by 6-8 compartment |
Guess who the owner of this compartment?? is Farigh's compartment...quite girlish for a tough guy....hahahahahaaha
And here our little information about us in iium kuantan
click our name to go to our facebook....(add ye!hehe ^_^)
This is us!This is pantai timur! |
we end our short "celoteh" with tasbih kafarah and assalamualaikum...keep up with our blog..hee..:)
* By Capix,Ameer Ganu n Farigh form CTS student(class assignment)
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